Essential Linux Commands for DevOps

Essential Linux Commands for DevOps


5 min read

Linux is the operating system of choice for many DevOps professionals due to its stability, security, and open-source nature.

Mastering Linux commands is crucial for effective DevOps practices as it empowers engineers to streamline tasks, automate processes, and manage infrastructure efficiently.

In this article, we'll explore a list of essential Linux commands that are indispensable for DevOps practitioners.

  1. ls - List Files and Directories: The ls command is fundamental for navigating the file system. It displays the contents of a directory, allowing users to view files and directories. Common flags include -l for detailed information and -a to show hidden files.

     ls -l
  2. cd - Change Directory: The cd command is used to change the current working directory. Navigating through the file system is a routine task in DevOps, and mastering cd is essential.

     cd /path/to/directory
  3. pwd - Print Working Directory: To know the current directory path, use the pwd command. It helps in understanding the current context while working on the command line.

  4. cp - Copy Files and Directories: The cp command allows the copying of files and directories. This is vital for creating backups, duplicating files, or deploying configuration files.

     cp source_file destination
  5. mv - Move or Rename Files: The mv command is versatile, enabling users to both move and rename files or directories. This is valuable for organizing and managing the file system efficiently.

     mv old_name new_name
  6. rm - Remove Files or Directories: Deleting unnecessary files or directories is a common task. The rm command, used with caution, helps in removing files and directories.

     rm file_name
  7. mkdir - Create Directories: Creating directories is essential for organizing code, logs, or any other project-related files. The mkdir command serves this purpose.

     mkdir directory_name
  8. touch - Create Empty Files: The touch command is useful for creating empty files, often needed when initializing configuration files or placeholders.

     touch file_name
  9. grep - Search Text in Files: The grep command is powerful for searching text within files. DevOps engineers often use it for log analysis, configuration file parsing, and more.

     grep "search_term" file_name
  10. vi or nano - Text Editors: A solid understanding of a terminal-based text editor like vi or nano is crucial for quick edits to configuration files or scripts.

    vi file_name
  11. chmod - Change File Permissions: Managing file permissions is crucial for securing sensitive data. The chmod command allows users to modify permissions for files and directories.

    chmod 755 file_name
  12. chown - Change File Ownership: In a multi-user environment, changing file ownership might be necessary. The chown command facilitates this process.

    chown user:group file_name
  13. ps - Process Status: Monitoring processes is essential in DevOps. The ps command provides information about active processes on the system.

    ps aux
  14. top or htop - System Monitoring: For a real-time overview of system performance, commands like top or htop are invaluable. They display information about CPU, memory, and processes.

  15. df - Disk Free: Checking disk space is critical for preventing system outages. The df command provides information about disk space usage.

    df -h
  16. du - Disk Usage: To determine the disk space used by specific directories, the du command comes in handy.

    du -sh /path/to/directory
  17. wget/curl - Download Files from the Internet:

    DevOps often involves fetching files or scripts from the web. Both wget and curl are commands that facilitate downloading resources.

    bashCopy codewget
    bashCopy codecurl -O
  18. ssh - Secure Shell:

    The ssh command is vital for secure remote access to servers. It enables encrypted communication and remote command execution.

    bashCopy codessh username@remote_server
  19. iptables - Firewall Configuration:

    cssCopy codeFor controlling and configuring the Linux kernel firewall, the `iptables` command is essential. It allows you to set rules for packet filtering, network address translation, and more.
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

Common sudo Commands in DevOps:

In the Linux world, the sudo command is a powerful tool that allows users to execute commands with elevated privileges. The term "sudo" stands for "superuser do," and it enables a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser (root) or another user, according to the security policy configured in the sudoers file.

  1. File and Directory Operations:

    • Copy a file with elevated permissions:

        sudo cp source_file destination
    • Remove a file or directory with elevated permissions:

        sudo rm -r file_or_directory
  2. Package Management:

    • Install or update packages:

        sudo apt-get install package_name
    • Update the package database:

        sudo apt-get update
  3. System Configuration:

    • Edit system configuration files with a text editor:

        sudo nano /etc/config_file.conf
    • Restart a service:

        sudo systemctl restart service_name
  4. User Management:

    • Add a new user:

        sudo adduser new_username
    • Change a user's password:

        sudo passwd username
  5. System Monitoring:

    • View real-time system information:

        sudo top
    • Check disk space usage:

        sudo df -h

Mastering these essential Linux commands is a foundational step for any DevOps engineer. From managing files and directories to monitoring system performance, these commands empower professionals to efficiently navigate and control Linux-based systems.

Continuous learning and practical application of these commands contribute to a robust skill set for effective DevOps practices.
